
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

My Views on Being President

The Perks and Drawbacks of being President of the United States of America

Most kids in the United States want to become President, because of 1 reason. They are either going to get famous, or get lots of money. For me, I want to become president of the United States: because there is not much work to be done.
I genuinely think that being the President of the United States is really easy. One of the main jobs is to veto or approve a bill that has been passed. The President can just ask some assistant to make it into a summary, and read it to him. If the President likes it, he can approve, and if he doesn't, he vetoes. Its so simple to just listen to something, and then say if you like it or not.
Another main job the President does is make decisions about how to keep the country growing. Why don’t just use Communism? If that would happen, people would not want to enter USA, which takes care of the Mexican/American border. The “Emperor” could have more freedom, because whatever he says is law.
The President also has to take care of the space programs, like NASA. Though space is interesting, it is useless. If we find another planet with life, how is it going to help us? The world is already so violent, I wonder what would happen if two planets join. If we learned that Jupiter had another moon, how will it affect us? If find a way to go to Mars, How will it help us? Sure, the astronauts will bring back rocks, but it won’t help at all. Sure, many people will get interested in space and its new capacities, but it won’t help anyone, anywhere, anytime. I thought the job of the President of the USA is to lead the country to a better future, but how is wasting $1.7 billion dollars on the Endeavor going to help us. This space program is like trying to make a dead frog croak. Instead of wasting all of this money on space, the US could spend it on welfare, solutions of pollution, and so much more. All the president has to do is just cancel the space program, in the matter of 3 seconds.
Another job that the President has to do is manage the military program. If the USA just minded its own business in warfare, less US troops would be expanded, and the President would not have to do any work. But when the USA gets involved with the Vietnam/Korea fights, many troops are expanded, more money is wasted, and the President has to make decisions. The USA, thankfully, doesn’t have any threats, but South Korea does. If USA stopped meddling with other countries, the President’s job would be so easy.
If I was President, I would make lots of changes to overall society. I think the changes listed above would really help the American society.
Though many may argue that this would also be really mean to the society, it is the only way to improve it
The President job seems so easy. Probably many people could argue this with me.
One bad thing about being President, is that you get blamed for anything bad you cause. Its almost like there are millions of stalkers that are part of facebook, twitter, Google +, and more networking websites, that can spread information really fast. After these stalkers post it, many other stalkers view/share it, until, everyone in America has seen that the President sucks, just because of that one post that an official leaked.
Once this happens, and the whole of USA knows about this, new stalkers arise: The Media......
The Media is going to grill the President with every question possible, ranging from how he feels about this event, to what he is going to eat for lunch tomorrow. The Media then posts this information on websites like CNN, BBC, Wikipedia, etc. Next, computer stalkers make posters that either detriment or blessing the President. Recently, I was browsing google images for a report on Barack Obama, and I saw a photo with a picture of his head all mixed up. I guess that some weirdos spend hours and hours making fun of important people.

         One common stereotype of being President is that you'll be really rich. This is not entirely true.

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