
Friday, May 1, 2015

This was some random story I wrote when I was 8.

Sonic Strength  

“Ugh” Joey said. It was the first day of school. “ I can’t believe summer’s out already.” Joey didn’t do anything over the summer. He didn’t even leave Wisconsin! “Welcome students, Back to school.You won't be learning anything much today.” The Principal boomed over the loudspeaker.
In the classroom . . .

“Bill of rights, blah blah Founding fathers, Blah blah, chicken.” The teacher said. Joey knew that his teacher wasn't  saying that but that was what he heard. RIIIIIING! It was time for gym class!

At the Gym...
“Ok Kids! They won’t let me put you in mortal combat. They won’t allow me to show you the joys of napalm. But they will let me destroy your dreams by making you lift weights!” the gym coach shouted. Joey could barely carry his 10 pound sister. Now he was being asked to carry 50 pounds weights. “Let’s start at 20 pounds” Joey told himself. He lifted it up easily. “Whoa!, that was surprisingly easy”, he told himself. Next he tried 30 pounds. “EASY”. Next he tried 80 pounds. “This feels like I’m carry an ant”. “Oh yeah!. Then why don’t you try 400 pounds. Even I can’t carry it!” the gym coach screamed in his face. Joey went to the 400 pounds and picked it up easily.

On the Bus back home....
“Dude! That was so awesome! you carried 400 pounds! What was that? It’s like you had super strength.” Freddy, Joey’s friend, said. “Really?” “Yeah” “Oh, my stop”, Joey said. “Hi mom. Hi dad. I am really strong.” “That’s great Joey. Now you can try out for the sports team.” said mom. “No I mean like really strong! see?” Joey lifted up the car. “Lets take him to the doctor”, said dad.
“I don’t know what his condition is”, said Dr. Proctor, “First I have to consult the medical office. Only then I can find out.” “Is he ok?” asked mom. “He’ll be fine.” Dr. Proctor said, “For now.”

Back home...
Ding Dong! “I’ll get it”, said Joey. “Hey Kid! We are looking for Joey.” said the person at the doorstep. “That’s me” said Joey. “It seems you have super strength”.”Yeah”. “Well Big Tony needs you to do some advertising”. “OK.”  “Hey kid. I’m Big Tony.”. “Hi” “Joey, who’s at the door?” Mom said. “Oh its a business guy named big Tony”. “What’s he here for? Dad said. “Advertising” Big Tony said. “Big Tony please leave my son alone. He doesn't want to be a part of an advertisement”. “But...” SLAM.

5 minutes later....
Ding Dong. CREAK. “Hi, may we use Joey to sponsor - “ SLAM
Ding Dong. CREAK. “Hi can Joey advertise for our new-” SLAM

Meanwhile, In a Lab
“Mr. Vaxchu, we must find a way to obtain Joey’s strength for our plan....
“How?” Mr. Vaxchu shouted. “Well, we have to do one of these things -
* Kidnap Joey or
*Since we own a Pharmaceutical company, we can drug his parents to sleep, with Joey and steal his DNA. Which one do you think would work? Mr Vaxchu. “I think we should  kidnap him” Mr Vaxchu said, “Now let me chew my wax. Billy, Bob, and Joe go capture Joey at night....
“Let’s go Billy, it’s the kid’s sleep time.” said Bob. The of three had parked their big truck right in front of Joey’s house. CHING. “Good. The Grappling thingy is in place.” Joe said “ZIIIP. The team was on roof. CRACK!, “We broke the window”, said Billy. “Let’s go inside and take Joey”. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ “Easy does it.” Billy whispered. “Hey what are you doing in  my son’s room”? asked dad. ZOOT. ZZZZZZZZZ Bob had shot a sleepinator pill in dad and mom’s mouth.” Now to steal Joey?
“Wha, Wait What? Where am I”, asked Joey. “You are at my Lab.” Dr. Vaxchu said, “I took a sample of your dna and turned into a medicine. And now I have taken away your super strength. Now I will create a super strong army and become a billionaire.”
“That’s your plan?”, said Joey. “Yeah.” “Ugh” Joey tried to break free of his chains. “Mmph” That was mom and dad. They captured them too!.

“Whee!” Joey slid under the chains”. And now to put an end to this, said Joey. “Hey what are you doing outside of your chains!” Mr. Vaxchu shouted. Joey ran up to his mother and took her phone. “9-1-1”. 5 minutes later, the police took Mr. Vaxchu into jail. Everything was back to normal. No super strength. No nothing.

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