
Friday, May 1, 2015

My song about the Indian Version of Talk Dirty to Me

Give Curry to me

Note: This song has a riff that we want to show, so we kept the riff in the YouTube link. Next, our song contains Hindi words. At the bottom, the translations are there.

First Verse:
Give curry to me...
On that bowl that you get on… in the restaurant

Second Verse:   

Huh- Cause I know what that curry needs,
Some salt and some cheese
I got red stains on my curry bowl…
Going to make it hard to eat
Been around the globe,
Never ate your curry!
But it doesn't really need explaining
All I really need to understand is…
Give Curry to Me
(Arabian Background Music Starts Playing

Chorus Repeats
(Arabian Background Music Starts Playing
Bridge Rap:
Roti Paratha, closed the curry shop
Sold out stores, you can lick the spoon
Ganga Ghats, curries on deck
Mouth to curry, tongue on spoon
International awesome curry!
Every bite I take, I am in dept
Spoon or naan, what do you expect?
Their curry so good I bought some more
Anyway, every day I begin to love it it more
Got her saved in my phone under curry master
First-class curry on my table, looking really good

Anyway, every day I'm trying to get some curry
Got her saved in my phone under curry master!
Third Verse:
Eik!… Met a Friend in Mumbai
Dho!… He gave me all the cuur-rry
Theen!… But it was missing something’
Char!…. oooooohhhh
Chorus Repeats

Hindi Translations (not part of song)

Eik- one
Dho- two
Theen- three


The Classification of Animals

The standard classification system of biologists across the globe is called Binomial Nomenclature. It was developed by a Swedish naturalist named Carl Von Linne, who changed his name to Carolus Linnaeus. Binomial Nomenclature means two names in Latin. The way to write it is to first write the Genus, and then the Species. An example would be for the White Oak: Quercus alba, whereas the Red Oak would be classified as Quercus rubra. Because in both of the examples there is a Quercus, the two trees come from the same genus, but are not the same species. The First Name of Binomial Nomenclature is always capitalized, and represents the Genus. The Second Name of Binomial Nomenclature is never capitalized, and represents the species. Two animals of the same genus will have the same first name for its Binomial Nomenclature. The Binomial Nomenclature System is completely written in Latin. The Genus may be abbreviated, such as Q. alba. As binomial nomenclature is used for one level of specificity, the trinomial Nomenclature system is used for classifying more specific organisms (subspecies), such as the Northern Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus leucocephalus) differs from the Southern Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus washingtoniensis).
This system is still used today because it provides a metaphorical bridge and a universal language of the biologists to easily distinguish the different species, without having to change the language. It also provides the 2 most specific layers of the classification period, so it will be the most specific, but concise form of classifying.       
[1]  "Animal Classification." A-Z Animals, n.d. Web. 07 Feb. 2015.
[2] Wille, Staffan M. "Classification by "natural Characters"" Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, 20 Feb. 2013. Web. 07 Feb. 2015.

A personal narrative on my experience with Nuts

This is Nuts!
I remember the third time I saw the inside of an ambulance. It was clean, the room was white, and it had chairs on the sides for other people to sit. I was on a stretcher visualizing the small room. I was just 8 years old. The medical equipment was near the front. The ambulance had a homely touch to it. I probably would have felt the homeliness of it if I wasn’t about to die in 5 minutes. Then, the world went blank.
It all started when I was at the Hidden Hills carpool pickup. The wind seemed to bounce off the golden-brown walls and blow on me. The sun glinted off the shiny new window that was installed. As I tried to finish my homework, I felt good. I had gotten a 4 on my project on whales. My stomach grumbled. Ugh!, So hungry!, I thought to myself. Then, I felt the tap on my back. I turned and smiled at my friend Matthew.
“Hey!”, he greeted.
“Hey Matthew!”, I replied.
I sighed, it seemed to take forever until I can get out of school and go enjoy the warm comforts of my home. The cold wind was beating down on my back.
Then, my other friend, Srivatsan walked out of his classroom. “Srivatsan!”, I called out. He walked towards me.
“Hey Jeevan!”, Srivatsan called. My greeting back to him was cut off when I heard a rustling sound coming from Matthew’s direction.
I heard him say, “Hey Srivatsan, are you hungry?”. Then I saw him pull out a delicious-looking cookie. It taunted my eyes with the sugar-coating on the outside. Little did I know, that it would be the thing that almost caused my death.
“Hey Matthew, I’m hungry”, I blurt out. I think to myself, maybe the cookie has nuts. I shouldn't eat it. But my stomach overpowered my brain.
“Ok, here, take this cookie”, he offers to me. In my stomach’s excitedness, I forget to ask him if it has nuts.
I give in to his offer. I was just too hungry to listen to my brain and I knew it would take a long time until I got back home. I put the cookie in my mouth, only to feel the sweet, succulent taste of a cake, molded into a smaller cookie. After swallowing, I heard my name being called out.
“Jeevan R. and Srivatsan S., please come to the carpool lane!”. It was a teacher. “Srivatsan, lets go”, I say as I frantically try to stuff my math homework in my backpack.
“Ok, Ok” he grumbles.
As we walk into his mom’s car, I feel a funny sensation in my throat. It was the feeling I usually get when I eat nuts. I shake it off. But a tiny part of my head tells me it might have contained nuts.  My mind is racing now. I was unsure. A cold sweat engulfed my face. It probably never happened, I think to myself. As I sit down, that same feeling re-occurs in my throat. I didn't like it. That part of my head that told me that it was nuts, came back. It did not feel right. As the car neared my house, I told Srivatsan,
“Hey Srivatsan, I really don't feel so-”, My words were cut off by  my veggie sandwich lunch coming up my throat and into the car seat. The grey leather car seat turned a shade of green. Just by looking at the seat, I feel vomit coming up. But I hold in, and force it down
Eww, I think to myself. By now, my face was red with embarrassment. Srivatsan’s Mom didn't say anything to me, she just tried to speed and bring me home as soon as possible. I am so scared. The sound of my vomit keeps reverberating in my head
As soon as the car pulls up to the curb, I jump out of the car, forgetting my backpack in all the horror that I am going through. I frantically ring my doorbell, trying to get my dad to come and call 911. My dad opens the door with an annoyed look on his face about why I rang the doorbell so many times.
I pant and try to say, “Dad … help … nuts … call 911 ...hidden hills.” As his eyes widened with horror, he frantically tried to press the buttons on his phone to call 911. I can barely hear him talk to the 911 receiver. I fall down from my queasiness onto my carpet.
“My son is having an allergic reaction. We need help. He is almost about to suffocate”, I hear him say. I feel my senses and my ability to think straight and breathe.
“Ugh!” I grunt as I lay on my carpet. My throat is closing in. Then I near the doorbell ringing and opening. Then I hear the ambulance crew attach some instruments to my finger. Lastly I hear, “His condition is fatal; let’s get him in the ambulance”. Then I faint.
I wake up in the ambulance, on a stretcher. Suddenly a blazing pain shoots up my thigh and all the way to my foot. “Ah!”, I scream, my eyes are now refocusing to the light in the ambulance. Through my blurred vision, I see my panic-stricken Dad and all of the ambulance crew members, looking at me with questionable looks on their faces. The seething pain in my thigh is still there. I look down. It is an epipen shot, one of the many things that remove allergic reactions. I feel a tear running down my cheek.
The first words I hear are, “You are ok, son”. It was one of the older ambulance operators. I looked outside and we were in coming back to my house.
I heaved. I was safe. After I woke up, I don't remember much. I just remember coming back home and easing in on my sofa. I see the familiar surroundings of the painting on the wall, the picture of my family, and the groove my epipen is making into my couch.

My speech on the American Dream

What is the American Dream?
I have been experiencing the American Dream throughout my entire life. You could say I have a nice family, a good education, and a bright future. My parents wanted this when they were children. They immigrated from India into America, under the impression that America offers much more jobs and opportunities, which it does.

The American Dream from my perspective as a 7th grader is that whatever you aim for, you can achieve with passion, drive, and respect. One thing that separates America from the other countries is that you can start from nothing, and become a huge star. We can see this through some people such as Sergey Brin, who came from Russia and created Google. America has that effect to make everyone innovative, which is why it is such a successful company today.

The American Dream means a lot to me. When I grow up, I want to be an attorney. It would take me 10 times less effort in America, to achieve the same thing in a country without such dream, such as Vietnam or Nigeria. I have that assurance just by living in America, that when I grow up, I will be successful, which is rare in other countries.
The way my family uses the American Dream is to motivate me. They tell me that they had no assurance of a prosperous life, and they really needed to work hard to get where they are today. I feel lucky, and very advantageous, because of the American Dream that allowed so much people to be successful from a third world country, where not as much opportunities are offered.

America has a unique shine that allows me to think that whatever I want to be, I will be. If I were to suddenly change my perspective and want to become a doctor, I know that I will still be able to achieve such goal, with the exact same amount of effort needed for me to become an attorney.

America is called the Land of opportunity for a reason, it allows for everyone, rich and poor, African or American, Asian or Latino, Smart or not, to achieve a goal set through just the passion and drive to get it accomplished. Though there is racism, and poverty in America, it does not define you. You are not who you look like in America. Your success only depends on your power to go on, from failures, from losses, and from wins. America offers the land that keeps the world from losing innovation.

America is for Youth. When the new generation of immigrants come in from all over the world and grasp the American Dream, the true innovation and new perspectives come about, and America is one of the only countries that offers that.

This was some random story I wrote when I was 8.

Sonic Strength  

“Ugh” Joey said. It was the first day of school. “ I can’t believe summer’s out already.” Joey didn’t do anything over the summer. He didn’t even leave Wisconsin! “Welcome students, Back to school.You won't be learning anything much today.” The Principal boomed over the loudspeaker.
In the classroom . . .

“Bill of rights, blah blah Founding fathers, Blah blah, chicken.” The teacher said. Joey knew that his teacher wasn't  saying that but that was what he heard. RIIIIIING! It was time for gym class!

At the Gym...
“Ok Kids! They won’t let me put you in mortal combat. They won’t allow me to show you the joys of napalm. But they will let me destroy your dreams by making you lift weights!” the gym coach shouted. Joey could barely carry his 10 pound sister. Now he was being asked to carry 50 pounds weights. “Let’s start at 20 pounds” Joey told himself. He lifted it up easily. “Whoa!, that was surprisingly easy”, he told himself. Next he tried 30 pounds. “EASY”. Next he tried 80 pounds. “This feels like I’m carry an ant”. “Oh yeah!. Then why don’t you try 400 pounds. Even I can’t carry it!” the gym coach screamed in his face. Joey went to the 400 pounds and picked it up easily.

On the Bus back home....
“Dude! That was so awesome! you carried 400 pounds! What was that? It’s like you had super strength.” Freddy, Joey’s friend, said. “Really?” “Yeah” “Oh, my stop”, Joey said. “Hi mom. Hi dad. I am really strong.” “That’s great Joey. Now you can try out for the sports team.” said mom. “No I mean like really strong! see?” Joey lifted up the car. “Lets take him to the doctor”, said dad.
“I don’t know what his condition is”, said Dr. Proctor, “First I have to consult the medical office. Only then I can find out.” “Is he ok?” asked mom. “He’ll be fine.” Dr. Proctor said, “For now.”

Back home...
Ding Dong! “I’ll get it”, said Joey. “Hey Kid! We are looking for Joey.” said the person at the doorstep. “That’s me” said Joey. “It seems you have super strength”.”Yeah”. “Well Big Tony needs you to do some advertising”. “OK.”  “Hey kid. I’m Big Tony.”. “Hi” “Joey, who’s at the door?” Mom said. “Oh its a business guy named big Tony”. “What’s he here for? Dad said. “Advertising” Big Tony said. “Big Tony please leave my son alone. He doesn't want to be a part of an advertisement”. “But...” SLAM.

5 minutes later....
Ding Dong. CREAK. “Hi, may we use Joey to sponsor - “ SLAM
Ding Dong. CREAK. “Hi can Joey advertise for our new-” SLAM

Meanwhile, In a Lab
“Mr. Vaxchu, we must find a way to obtain Joey’s strength for our plan....
“How?” Mr. Vaxchu shouted. “Well, we have to do one of these things -
* Kidnap Joey or
*Since we own a Pharmaceutical company, we can drug his parents to sleep, with Joey and steal his DNA. Which one do you think would work? Mr Vaxchu. “I think we should  kidnap him” Mr Vaxchu said, “Now let me chew my wax. Billy, Bob, and Joe go capture Joey at night....
“Let’s go Billy, it’s the kid’s sleep time.” said Bob. The of three had parked their big truck right in front of Joey’s house. CHING. “Good. The Grappling thingy is in place.” Joe said “ZIIIP. The team was on roof. CRACK!, “We broke the window”, said Billy. “Let’s go inside and take Joey”. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ “Easy does it.” Billy whispered. “Hey what are you doing in  my son’s room”? asked dad. ZOOT. ZZZZZZZZZ Bob had shot a sleepinator pill in dad and mom’s mouth.” Now to steal Joey?
“Wha, Wait What? Where am I”, asked Joey. “You are at my Lab.” Dr. Vaxchu said, “I took a sample of your dna and turned into a medicine. And now I have taken away your super strength. Now I will create a super strong army and become a billionaire.”
“That’s your plan?”, said Joey. “Yeah.” “Ugh” Joey tried to break free of his chains. “Mmph” That was mom and dad. They captured them too!.

“Whee!” Joey slid under the chains”. And now to put an end to this, said Joey. “Hey what are you doing outside of your chains!” Mr. Vaxchu shouted. Joey ran up to his mother and took her phone. “9-1-1”. 5 minutes later, the police took Mr. Vaxchu into jail. Everything was back to normal. No super strength. No nothing.

This is my Personal Essay for my Core Class

Homework Should Be Reduced From The School

The day for middle schoolers across the country is just too exhausting. Their days are filled with endless homework and extracurricular activities. We must ask ourselves: Is this really the way we want to go, with everyone stressed out, even as a child? I think that homework of middle schoolers across the country should be reduced, because too much homework causes stress, sleep deprivation and worsens productivity. A middle schooler’s life is just filled with too many things to do.
With so much work to do, in and out of school, stress is caused. For example, my typical day consists of 13 hours of work, then an hour of play, from about the time I wake up in the morning. Because of this, I am stressed throughout the day because I never have time to do anything I enjoy. I’m sure this is the case with other middle schoolers as well. Most people’s days are filled with stress and work. This leads to an overall tired community. But this should not happen with children, especially because when we grow up, the same routine will continue to happen to us. If we do not reduce the homework given to middle schoolers, they will not ever experience relaxation, because they will repeat the same routine when they grow up. Furthermore, this should apply to all middle schoolers because the amount of work that schools give us, is just overwhelming. The standard for each class is 20 minutes of homework. For 8 classes that means 160 minutes, which is almost 3 hours of homework in a day. This is just too much for the average middle schooler. If 3 hours per day is spent on homework, then that makes it way past 6:00 in the evening to complete. This is just too long. Something must be changed.
Another reason is the fact that too much homework can cause the middle schooler to stay past normal bedtime and therefore cause sleep deprivation. Sleep is a necessity for the body, without which, we are tired and annoyed. Middle schoolers are subjected to way too much homework, which makes them stay up late doing it. For instance, one time during my 7th grade, I had so much Math and English homework to do, and I was sick that day and so I didn’t know what the instructions were. I ended up staying up till 1:00 am, just to figure out what I had to do and how I had to do it. During that time, I realized that it was just too much work, which is where I got the inspiration for this essay. The normal amount of sleep needed for the average middle schooler is about 8 to 10 hours per day. On that day, I only got 6.5 hours of sleep. That is just n
ot enough for an average middle schooler. That was on an excessive homework day. On the best days, I go to sleep around 10:30 pm. This provides only 9 hours of sleep which may be just in the recommended range, but it is not the best. This is due to the excessive work that schools provide. Because sleep deprivation is caused by excessive homework and it must be reduced.
With the amount of work that school gives, the productivity will be reduced. For instance, one time, I had to do a math worksheet. On that day, after finishing all of my homework, I went to sleep late, and was stressed. The next day, I had to do a very similar activity, just with different numbers. It took me 30 minutes more to complete this homework. This shows, that after sleep deprivation and stress, one’s productivity is worsened. Students are unable to focus on schoolwork and grades, due to lack of sleep and increased stress levels. With the amount of homework provided by the school, attention will divert, grades will drop, and the students will be exhausted. But if we reduce the amount of homework, and take a step forward, the students concentration will improve, along with grades. Therefore, we have to take that step forward. We want better achievements, academically and emotionally. All middle schoolers have the same problem. If we reduce the amount of homework, we will have a more focused, smarter and happier student community. We can make the school and home a better place and we can reduce stress and sleep deprivation caused by the excessive work.

I’m sure there are many points of view on this topic, such as a teacher’s, who may think the homework should be increased, but I think it is unfair to give so much homework upon a 12 year old. The overabundance of work being given to middle schoolers across the country is causing too much stress, sleep deprivation and reduced productivity. With less work from schools, students can focus more on grades and school, rather than sleep or relaxation. I believe, that the approach to reduce the amount of homework given by the school, will result in a more focused, productive, and a happier middle school community.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

This is a report on the Dangers of Drugs in the book That was Then, This is Now, by S.E. Hinton

Feb 17, 2015

The Dangers of Drugs in “That was Then, This is Now”

The year is 1971. Drugs have taken over America. SE Hinton’s coming of age novel, That was Then, This is Now warns teenagers about the dangers of drugs. The protagonist, Bryon Douglas has to learn whether to make the easy choice or the right choice. Bryon and Mark are best friends. But when Mark exhibits poor judgment, their friendship falters and Bryon must make the most important decision of his life. Bryon learns about the dangers of drugs through choices made by Mark, his adopted brother and M&M, his 13-year old friend.
Mark helps Bryon learn about the dangers of drugs. “M&M was in the hospital and maybe he was messed up for life and Mark was selling stuff that made him this way” (146). In this scene, Bryon sees the atrocities that drugs caused M&M. Bryon links it to Mark, because now he realizes who supplied all this hurt. Another quote is, “I thought about the blond, dead-looking chick and about M&M screaming about spiders, and Cathy half hysterical with grief” (146). As Bryon looks back at all of the horrible circumstances at the hippie house, he decides whether to forgive and forget or to remove one source of drugs. Bryon felt “ ‘Don’t drag me into this’ I thought, ‘Don’t make me blind just because you are’”. In this scene, Bryon decides not to forgive Mark for selling drugs and not to succumb to Mark’s plea for forgiveness. He also resolves to hate drugs because of the damage they caused to everybody he knows. Bryon learns about the dangers of drugs from the perpetrator. Now, let’s look at drugs from a victim’s perspective.
Bryon learns about the dangers of drugs, by the way M&M acts after taking them. “I went into my stomach. I went into my stomach and those spiders came out. I never knew that there were spiders in my stomach” (139). In this quote Bryon can see how M&M’s brain functionality has deteriorated, based on his crazy talk. He realizes what the drug, LSD, can do to a small, but smart 13-year-old. “ ‘Where am I?’ he was screaming in terror, ‘Why don’t I know where I am?’, ‘I was just sick, I didn't know how Cathy was managing’ “ (141). Bryon is sick when he discovers that M&M’s faculties have all but deteriorated. He also realizes the Carlson family’s perspective and M&M’s condition. “His old expression of complete trust and intent interest was entirely gone” (154). This scene happens when Bryon and M&M meet in a drugstore, later in the book. He contemplates the change in M&M, both physically and emotionally, after the drugs. From M&M, Bryon learns about the dangers of drugs through the deterioration of one’s mind.
In That was Then, This is Now, Bryon learns about the dangers of drugs through his abhorrent experiences with Mark and M&M. Mark was the drug dealer, who gets apprehended and M&M is the innocent boy who gets caught up in drugs. SE Hinton’s message about the dangers of drugs warns teenagers across America. Her message shows the dire consequences of making the wrong choices.

A little history on the instrument I play

History of the Baritone
The history of the baritone started in 1790, when a man named Ernst Chladni created an instrument composed of glass tubes of different pitches, and named it the euphoniun. It was the basis for the modern brass instruments name. Then, the first brass instrument was created in 1815 by Heinrick Stolzel and Friedrick Blushmel At this period, the shape of the baritone is slowly molding to the modern designs. In 1823, William Wieprecht, a German musician uses a similar instrument to the baritone called the Tenor Bass Horn.
As you can see, the tenor bass horn (pictured to the right) looks very similar to the modern baritone pictured below it. William Wieprecht used the tenor bass horns in his ensembles in which he used to perform in front of the king of Prussia. In the 1830s, different manufacturers in Germany and Austria experiment with brass instruments of the tenor/baritone range. The prototypes developed in these factories led to the modern design of the baritone today. Then, in 1838, Carl Mortix creates the Tenor Tuba, with the same bell and mouthpiece positions as the modern baritones:
The Tenor Tuba had 4 keys, whereas the baritone only had 3.
The baritone also had saxophone influence; Adolph Sax, creator of saxophones made a batch of valved brass instruments called Saxhorns.
The Bb baritone saxhorn could relate to the modern baritone.

Finally, after almost 20 years of development, The Sommer of Weimar created the first euphonium. The greek derivative of the “baritone” means “great-voiced”, whereas a baritone counterpart, the euphonium means “well-sounding”.
As the invention of the euphonium travels around the globe, the french army was required to have 2 baritones in cavalry bands. The euphoniums’ first formal performance was with the The Royal Artillery Staff Band of Woolwich.
The baritone gets its first improvement in 1859, with Phasey, professor of Euphonium and Baritone at Kneller Hall in England. He expanded the bore, or conical hole in the bell. He did this again in 1870.
The baritone changes in its form to an over the shoulder type, and starts being seen in America. This kind of baritone pictured left below, was used in the civil war. The silver baritone to the right is an alternative model called the tear drop.
In 1870, the japanese used 2 euphoniums in their bands. In the from the late 1880s to 1903, another version of the euphonium, called the double belled euphonium, is used in many songs. The double belled euphonium, pictured in the commercial to the right, was an attempt to combine the trombone and the baritone.
After the euphonium, the baritones took over, as they started appearing, mostly in Mahler’s Seventh Symphony in 1908. In 1921, concert bands had too many brass instruments, so baritones were limited to just brass bands.
In 1950, the english started to perform in just low brass ensembles. In 1964, the last double-belled euphoniums were issued, putting a stop to the trombone-baritone combinations.
In 1968, R.Winston Morris creates an internationally recognized euphonium-tuba ensemble at the Tennessee Technological University, much like the one pictured below. The 1970 is viewed as the Euphonium renaissance, as the Tubists Universal Brotherhood Association (T.U.B.A.) has completely re-developed the styles for the brass.
Finally, in the 1990s, after 200 years, from when Ernst Chladni created the glass tube instrument, the first modern baritone is complete.
The modern baritone supports the range shown below. It has 3 valves.

The baritone and the euphonium have very little differences. THey have the same pitch, notes, and fingering. The euphonium has a fixed upright beland valves facing up. The baritone has a bell front bell, and valves facing forward.


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